(Submitted by Lisa Roberts.)
To some, gardening is a hobby; to others, it is a passion; some see it as a way of life. In any case, once you set your mind on gardening, you will probably strive to be as successful as possible. In the rich soil of Eastern Oregon, gardening has excellent chances to be fruitful. However, you still need to gather different knowledge about it before your first attempt. Or, if you are already a gardener but you are wondering why your products are not as bountiful as you hoped they would be, it means there is still space for learning. Therefore, here is our simple but informative guide to gardening in Eastern Oregon.

What do you need to know about the Eastern Oregon climate
The state of Oregon is the climate and weather roller coaster of the United States. Going from the West to the East, the conditions change significantly. From the maritime rainforest to a drier continental climate, different vegetation is following those conditions. Speaking about our Eastern Oregon specifically, a variety of meteorological characteristics and flora can be found too. The climate is generally the typical inland climate with considerable seasonal variations. However, the three main extremes exist between the mountain, desert, and river canyons areas. Except for the last one, you always have to keep in mind the possible lack of vegetables’ hydration when gardening in East Oregon.

About the soil of Eastern Oregon
Again, the soil in Eastern Oregon varies from area to area, but it is mainly:
- Light soil, not particularly generous in organic matter and nutrients.
- At places, it is very dry due to its low water-holding capability.
- And a large percent of the land is high in pH values, going from 7.5 to 8.5 (the most productive soils are at 6.0 to 7.0 pH).
However, all of these are just minor setbacks, and you can efficiently improve the soil quality by adding elemental sulfur ( to lower the pH ) and adequate fertilizers. Also, by following simple yet effective watering guidelines, you can get the most from your work. It is worth mentioning that moving towards the East of Cascades, both the soil quality and the climate improve. Still, this can vary from site to site. Therefore, if you are moving to Oregon and plan to commit to larger-scale gardening, explore your options carefully.
Choose your veggies of interest
When opting for one type of seed or the other, you need to consider your preferences first, of course. However, when gardening in Eastern Oregon, you need to follow a couple of simple rules. Respect the land, and the land will reciprocate justly– is among the first ones. In other words, you should feel free to follow your inclinations, as long as the soil and the climate can support them. Refraining from the crops that require ideal conditions or intensive care could save you a lot of effort. This is a universal rule for most of Eastern Oregon and in general.
On the other hand, rooted vegetables like carrots, potatoes, beets, and onions can do exceptionally fine here, especially in elevated terrains. Short-season crops are also bound to succeed almost invariably. At times, these are the reason why people across the country move to Eastern Oregon.

Planting dates for gardeners of Eastern Oregon
Devotedly following the planting dates is one of the main preconditions for a successful harvest. Especially in areas with short growing seasons and with the vegetables that need longer to grow, one must be careful not to miss the timings. May and April are the most suitable months for the start of your gardening, in most cases. Although, some of the greens prefer the month of August better, for example, Chinese cabbage and celery. Of course, some salads like lettuce and spinach have a much wider span of growing since they are cold resistant. Those can succeed almost throughout the year but are the best from September to April. So if you are relocating to Oregon to be a producer, consider these timings for looking into Oregon real estate.
Tools are equally important
Without the right tools, there is no success in any field or undertaking. Hence, before you fully develop your gardening strategy, don’t forget to research the adequate equipment you need. Equally important is creating or finding the proper storage solutions to keep your tools in peak condition. So, once you get all the necessary apparatus, don’t forget to dedicate some time to consider where you will keep it. In Eastern Oregon, you will need your gardening tools for a part of the year only. For the rest of the time, they should be carefully protected from damage and rust. A dedicated space in your house should do. Alternatively, renting safe and modern storage is always a good idea.

Gardening in Eastern Oregon can change your life
We live in an era of unhealthy habits, artificial intelligence, and unnatural lifestyles. Moving to Oregon and dedicating an amount of time to gardening can change all that. Many people claim that fully relocating or, at least, buying a vacation home in Eastern Oregon has changed their lives for the better to a great extent. Just being able to daily breathe the fresh air of Oregon and grow something with your own hands will help you stay in touch with nature. That, in exchange, will help you promote better physical and psychological health.
Luckily, fast and stress-free relocations have never been more at the reach of your hand. Additionally, there are numerous safe and efficient ways to transfer your belongings when settling in Oregon. Basically, all you need to do is to set your mind on this decision. And, your fresh, more organic way of life can commence.
As you can see, the success of gardening in Eastern Oregon relies on many factors. But, to the greatest extent, it depends on your passion for gardening, respect for nature, and willingness to try different strategies. One thing is for sure, your lifestyle and your health will improve immensely once you become an Eastern Oregon gardener.