(Content submitted by Lisa Roberts.)
Selling a home and relocating to a completely new place is a time-, energy-, and money-consuming task. Thus, do everything in your power to make things less stressful and less complex for you and your family before putting your house on the market. The best way to do that is by getting rid of stuff before you sell your home and relocate.
Yes, that can be a nuisance, but hey, look on the bright side – you will reduce the level of moving stress later on. You will also lower the transportation costs, save plenty of packing time, and of course, earn some extra money. Moreover, you will prepare your current home for selling as well as save storage space in your new home.
Now that you know and understand all the right reasons why you have to declutter, let us get started. Here is our guide to getting rid of stuff in preparation for a home sale.
Start Early and Give Yourself Time
When it comes to decluttering and getting rid of stuff in preparation for a home sale, starting early is the key! You will need to make a plan and decide which items you should keep and which you must get rid of. Believe it or not, but that will be far from a walk in the park, and it will certainly consume a lot of your time. So, start right now! Be persistent, and be decisive!
Talk to your household members first, and be sure to make decluttering decisions together. You do not want to get rid of your wife’s favorite shoes, your child’s favorite toy, or your roommate’s favorite chair! Make a decluttering list together to save yourselves from unpleasant situations.

Know Which Items to Get Rid Of
As mentioned earlier, you must begin this process by deciding which items to get rid of. We know that is not going to be easy as we all often get sentimental about material things. However, be strict with yourself and remember why this process is necessary – to ease your relocation and home sale.
The beginning will be a piece of cake as you will know exactly which items you need to part with. However, do not let that fool you. Quite soon you will stumble upon items you won’t be so sure about. Deciding what to do with them will be a nightmare. You may want to keep them as you are sentimentally attached to them, but you will also want to get rid of them in preparation for a home sale. When that happens, follow the decluttering rule – if it is damaged, broken, useless, expired, duplicated, or forgotten – get rid of it. Only then can you sell your home and pack for your move like a pro.
Organize a Yard/Garage Sale
Now that you know exactly which items you must get rid of, it is time to start organizing a yard/garage sale. Start by scheduling the right date and time. Then, make an effort to advertise your sale. Put posters around your neighborhood, pay for an ad in your local newspaper, or create an event online.
When the day of the sale comes, start preparing for it early in the morning. Do not just get all the items you want to get rid of and throw them outside on the lawn. You will not sell anything like that. Instead, get some tables and blankets and organize your items systematically on them. Make sure everything is visible! Also, do not forget to put prices on the items you are selling!

Sell the Unwanted Items Online
If your yard/garage sale was not a success for one reason or another, do not just throw all of your items in storage. There are other things you can do to get rid of your items in preparation for a home sale. You will keep your storage in order as well in the same breath. For instance, you can try to sell some of your items online.
Start by taking clear pictures of the items you want to sell and posting them on your social media accounts. You can also enter sites like Amazon, Craigslist, or eBay. Register, post a picture, the price, and let buyers contact you. Do not stop there – if you have some specialized items, consider looking for some specialized sites as well. Here are some suggestions:
- Bookscouter.com – great for selling books.
- Etsy.com – great for selling vintage clothes, shoes, jewelry, and even antique furniture and knick-knacks.
- Motherhoodcloset.com – great for selling maternity clothes and baby stuff.
- Replacements.com – great for selling china, glassware, silver, etc.

Gift Somebody or Donate to Your Local Charity
If, however, you do not want to sell your items but want to do a good deed, you can consider giving them away right when you decide when it is time to move and sell your home. Pass these items on to a friend, a family member, or a neighbor as a token of friendship. If your items are in good shape, why wouldn’t they like to have them?
However, the best thing you can do when you want to get rid of stuff in preparation for a home sale is to give them to people in need or a charitable organization. You cannot go wrong with that. Of course, you will not earn any money, but you will find a home for your belongings and make somebody happy. If you decide to do this, you can also arrange for a donation pick up! This is a great way to save money and time you would otherwise spend on packing and relocating your items from one place or another.